Company name | XeelTech GmbH |
Company register number and register court | 522245 h, Regional Court Feldkirch |
DUNS number | 300601040 |
Legal form | Limited liability company |
Business address (domicile) | Montafonerstraße 68 6771 St. Anton im Montafon Austria |
Business purpose | Exercise of the commercial trade |
Telephone | +43 5552 93081-0 |
Fax | +43 5552 93081-9300 | | |
Sales tax identification number | ATU75167935 |
Authority according to e‑commerce law | District Administration Bludenz, District Administration Vöcklabruck |
Professional law | Commercial Code 1994 |
Chamber | Member of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Section for machinery and technology trade |